lauantai 7. helmikuuta 2015

Yokkari paiva / pajama day

Pikkuneidilla oli pyjamapaiva koululla torstaina. Eli mamman oli ryhdistaydyttava ja saatava ommeltua myoskin pyjama paidat niille jo aikaisemmin tehdyille pyjama poksyille. :)

Little Miss had a pajama day at school on Thursday. That meant that mummy had to get her act together and make shirts for the pajama pants that I had made earlier. :)

Tassa on isomman neidin yokkarit. Pituutta niin hihoissa kuin lahkeissakin on reilusti tarkoituksella. Olisin halunnut laittaa hihat tuosta raidallisesta kankaasta mutta vihreat eivat ihan osuneet yksiin kankaissa. Kelpuutin sentaan paantiehen. 

Here's Big Miss' pajamas. I made them too long/big on purpose. I wanted to use the stripy fabric for the sleeves but they greens are slightly off. I did accept it in the neck binding.

Tassa pikkuneidin. Vahan eri kaavoilla mutta oikein kivat kuitenkin. Tassakin sita kasvunvaraa on. Naissa kankaissa vihreat osuivat taysin yksiin. Ja neiti oli niin onnellinen kun sai pitaa tata koulussa. Oli nakojaan kertonut kaikille etta mami oli tehnyt ne. Moni nimittain kommentoi asiasta kun tulin tyttoa hakemaan.

Here's Little Miss' pajamas. Little bit different pattern but really nice anyway. She's got also space to grow. And in these fabrics the greens matched really well. Little Miss was very happy that she got her new pajamas on on pajama day. She had apparently told everyone that mummy had made them as many commented on the fact when I went to pick her up. 

4 kommenttia:

  1. They're both super cute and how nice is is that you made her pyjamas for her pyjama day at school?!

    1. Thanks dear! It really wasn't the plan but they just happened to be kind of ready before the day (which was moved 3 times because of the snow days) so why not finish them. :) She likes them which means Mummy is happy!

  2. Ihanaa, että ovat noin onnellisia äidin tekemistä vaatteista! Arvostavat laatua :)

    1. Laadusta en tieda mutta kuosit saatta olla enemmankin se tekija joka aiheuttaa iloa. :)
