lauantai 10. maaliskuuta 2012

Tieteellisia kokeiluja / Scientific tests

Tyttaremme on loytanyt internetista vakoojatehtavan TAALTA, jossa ylatykseksi myos joutuu tekemaan tieteellisia kokeiluja erilaisista aiheista. Koska vastaloytynyt lukutaito ei ihan viela ylla kaikkien ohjeiden lukemiseen on Mami ja Daddy valjastettu myos vakoojiksi. Olemme tehneet laskuvarjoja, linkoja ja ampuneet lentavia minivaahtokarkkeja. Seuraavaksi tutkitaan aaniaaltoja.
Muutkin leikit ovat tuntuneet olevan nyt hyvia. Siskokset ovat tehneet kaikenlaista Megablockseilla, leikkineet nukella (lahinna vanhempi, pienempi avustanut peittojen ryovaamisessa). Varittaminen on ollut myos kova juttu. Magneetit mukavia sormissa. Mielta kaikkein eniten lammitti kun vanhempi sai paketin Legoja ja innostui asiasta hirmuisesti. Opeteltiin lukemaan rakennusohjeita ja etsimaan oikeita rakennuspalikoita. Eilen pyorahti pari tuntia kuin siivilla kun yhdessa touhuttiin Legojen kanssa (mina lahinna henkisena tukena). Legot oli ihania omassa niin kuin miehenikin lapsuudessa. Niin ne nayttavat pitavan oman taikansa edelleen. Tasta taitaa tulla perheen oma juttu.

Our daughter has found a Spy mission (HERE) from her games in the Internet, where to my surprise you have to make "scientific" tests on different subjects. As the newly found reading skill is not quite high enough to read and understand all the instructions Mummy and Daddy has been made spies as well. We've been making parachutes, slings and been shooting mini marshmallows. Next we're studying sound waves.
Other kinds of games seems to be good now as well. The sisters have been doing all kinds of things with Megablocks, been playing with dolls (the older really, as the younger has been assisting by snatching the baby's duvet). Colouring is in as well. Magnets feel nice in small fingers.

The most heart warming thing was to see how Legos still hold their magic. The older got a set of Legos yesterday and really got into them. We learned how to read the instructions as well as how to find the right pieces. Few hours just flew by as we were building with the Lego set (I was mostly a mental support). I loved Legos in my childhood. My husband as well. I think this is going to be family thing.

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