torstai 2. helmikuuta 2012

Tee varastoni / My tea stach

Sain kuulla eilen armaalta mieheltani olevani jaamassa yh-aidiksi tassa kuussa ainakin viikoksi ellen kahdeksi. Ensin kuulemma tyoreissu lansirannikolle ja mahdollisesti toinen tyoreissu Suomeen. HALUAN MUKAAN SUOMEEN!!!!! Eipa taida kuitenkaan onnistua. Niinpa ryntasin sitten tekemaan inventaariota teevarastostani. Levitin kaikki pussit ja nyssykat ja laatikot poydalle ja laskeskelin kuinka kauan varastoni riittaisi ja kuinka paljon pitaisi tuoda lisaa. Teen tuntijat huomaavat kuvassa myos Clipper-tee laatikon. Sita ei taalta saa ostettua... tai en ole ainakaan lukuisista etsintayrityksista huolimatta loytanyt kyseista teeta kaupoista tai netista.(Yksi nettikauppa sita myy aivan jarjettomalla hinnalla eika juuri tietenkaan sita laatua mita haluaisin.) Suomi sentaan on sen verran sivistynyt tee maa, etta sielta kyseisesen valmistajan teeta saa. Nyt toivon vain tyomatkan Suomeen toteutuvan silla teen lisaksi olisi kiva saada ruisleipaa ja suklaata ja pari naistenlehtea ja... ja... ja... Mielessani siis teen tuliaislistaa vaikkei matka olekaan viela varmistunut.
Huomasin eilen pihalla ollessani kevaan merkkeja. Lampomittarissa komeili +14C mutta sita nyt ei voi viela helmikuussa kevaan merkiksi sanoa. Rodot ovat taynna kukan nuppuja. En taida vaan paasta niita taalla ihailemaan (ellei kevat sitten tule aikaisin), silla meilla on muutto edessa. Siita lisaa jossain vaiheessa myohemmin.

I was told yesterday by my dearest husband that I would be at least once if not twice a single mom during the month of February. First on his agenda is a work trip to the west coast and then possibly a business trip to Finland. I WANT TO GO ALONG TO FINLAND!!!!! However, I doubt that me going along would happen. So I rushed to my tea stach to make an inventory. I took all my tea bags, boxes and packets out and was counting how long my stach would last and how much I would need more. Tea lovers probably noticed the Clipper- tea box. I cannot get it here... or at least I have not found it in stores or Internet despite my numerous efforts. (One online store sells Clipper tea with outrageous prices and of course they don't have that particular flavour I'd like.) Finland, on the other hand, is tea civilized country and I was able to buy this favorite of mine on my last trip there. So, here I am, hoping for this Finland trip to materialize so that I could get few other bit and bobs from home. It would be nice to get rye bread, chocolate, couple of magazines, and... and... and... I'm making the list of things to be brought back in my head even though the trip has not been confirmed.
Yesterday I noticed signs of spring outside. The thermometer boasted with 58F even though you cannot say that it's a sign of spring especially in the beginning of February. Rhododendrons are full of buds. I don't think I'll be able to enjoy them here, unless spring comes early, as we need to move. More on the moving subject later.

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